


Information provided within this entire website ( is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for general informational purposes and should not interfere with the relationship you have with your doctor.
If you have any concerns about any aspect of your health, such as physical concerns (fatigue, aches, pains, discomfort) or mental concerns (stress, low mood, depression) we strongly recommend that you make an appointment to see your doctor or any other relevant medical professional to help you before you consider seeking additional health and fitness advice.
It is also strongly recommended that you consult with your doctor or any other relevant medical professional for a physical examination and consultation before embarking on a new lifestyle change, exercise regime or prior to making significant changes to your diet. This should still apply even if you are an experienced exerciser but have taken extended time out.
Be safe, not sorry.
You use the information here at your own risk and relinquish the right to lay blame or make claim against any health and fitness bloggers and professionals for any injuries or mishaps that may occur due to the use of this blog and the implementation of the advice contained within.
Please take care, stay within your limits, apply new information with caution and filter out what works for you and discard what doesn’t.