How To Do Pull-ups and Chin-ups With Proper Technique

Do Pull-ups and Chin-ups With Proper Technique
Do Pull-ups and Chin-ups With Proper Technique

Pull-ups and Chin-ups force you to lift your own body-weight. They are the best strength training exercises you can do for upper-body strength and muscle mass. Unfortunately Pull-ups and Chin-ups are hard. Very hard.
If you’re a beginner, chances are you can’t do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up. This article will not only teach you how to do Pull-ups and Chin-ups with proper technique, but also how to get stronger at them so you can do the weighted versions.

What are Pull-ups and Chin-ups?
Hang on a pull-up bar with straight arms and pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. The difference between Pull-ups and Chin-ups is in the grip:
  • Pull-ups. Palms facing away. Less biceps, more back. Harder.
  • Chin-ups. Palms facing you. Work your biceps more. Easier.
Other Pull-up variations include: palms facing each others, thumbless grip, towel Pull-ups, Fat Bar Pull-ups, Mixed Grip Pull-ups, Horizontal Pull-ups, Kipping Pull-ups, etc. This article deals with Pull-ups and Chin-ups.

Benefits of Pull-ups and Chin-ups. P
rogram includes Pull-ups and Chin-ups for the following reasons:
  • Build Muscle. Pull-ups and Chin-ups force you to lift your own bodyweight. This stresses your body, building the muscles of your arms and back.
  • Grappling Strength. Pull-ups and Chin-ups help any sport which involves gripping, grappling and pulling, like MMA or Rock Climbing.
  • Carryover. Get stronger at Pull-ups and Chin-ups and you’ll get stronger on the opposite movements: the Overhead Press and Bench Press.
  • Shoulder Health. Balancing press exercises like the Bench Press with pull exercises like Barbell Rows and Pull-ups prevents muscle imbalances.

What Do You Need for Pull-ups 
and Chin-ups? A Power Rack with a Pull-up bar works best. Or a Doorway Pull-up bar. Any surface where you can hang from at arm’s length will do for Pull-ups and Chin-ups.

What if You Can’t Do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up?
Whatever method you choose: pull yourself up as if nothing/nobody was helping you. Pull-ups and Chin-ups feel very different without assistance. And always try to beat your previous record.
  • Chin-ups. Chin-ups are easier than Pull-ups. If you can’t do 1 Pull-up, try Chin-ups. Alternate Chin-ups with Pull-ups when you get stronger.
  • Resistance Band. Attach a resistance band to your pull-up bar and loop it around your knee
  • Ask For Help. Ask someone to grab your side with his hands. Let him help you on the way up by squatting down and pressing up.
  • Kipping Pull-ups. Swing your hips while pulling yourself up until you get stronger. Check how Jesse Marunde uses his hips on the last reps.
  • Routine. You can also try this strength training routine to increase your strength on Pull-ups (or Chin-ups).
  • Use Momentum. Jump up and use momentum. Control yourself on the way down. This one will get you a sore back and arms. You’re warned.

I’m too Heavy For Pull-ups 
and Chin-ups. Your body-weight is not the problem. Strength is. If you want to get stronger at Pull-ups and Chin-ups, do them more. Here’s Jesse Marunde doing 21 Pull-ups at 310lbs body-weight.

Assisted Pull-up Machines and Lat Pulldowns. Stay away from both. If you want to get stronger at Pull-ups and Chin-ups, do Pull-ups and Chin-ups. The strength you build on machines doesn’t convert to Pull-ups and Chin-ups.
  • No Balance. You don’t have to balance yourself on machines. You’ll lose strength when switching to Pull-ups and Chin-ups: they’re harder.
  • Mental Factor. You’re using less strength on the Assisted Pull-up Machine because you know the machine is helping you on the way up.
Once again: if you want to get stronger at Pull-ups and Chin-ups, do Pull-ups and Chin-ups. You’re losing time with machines. If you can’t do 1 rep, try the above methods. You’ll be able to do 1 Pull-up/Chin-up within a month.

Weighted Pull-ups 
and Chin-ups. Once you can do 10-15 Pull-ups or Chin-ups in a row, add weight to keep the exercise challenging. Here’s how:
  • Dumbbell Between Legs. Gets you an ab workout too. Doesn’t work once you’re using more than 10-20kg.
  • Rucksack. Wear a rucksack and put plates in it.
  • Belt & Chain. What I do. Wear a belt. Suspend plates from a chain, attach the chain to your belt.

and Chin-up Technique. Start each rep from a dead hang with straight elbows. Clear the bar with your chin on every rep.
  • Squeeze The Bar. And put the bar close to your fingers, not in the palm of your hand. It minimize callus formation.
  • Breathe at The Bottom. It’s easier to breathe at the bottom. Take a big breath before pulling yourself up.
  • Chest Up. Don’t let your shoulders go forward: it’s unhealthy for your shoulders. Lead with your chest up and keep your shoulders back.
  • Look Up. Never look down during Pull-ups and Chin-ups. Look at the bar. Look where you’re pulling yourself up to.
  • Elbows to The Floor. Drive with your elbows to the floor. This involves your stronger back muscles more.
  • Bend Your Legs. And cross your feet. Letting your legs hang means less strength in my experience. Squeeze your glutes on the way up.

Common Errors.
Most common error on Pull-ups and Chin-ups is cheating the range of motion by not going low or high enough on each rep.
  • Not Straightening the Arms. Start from a dead hang with straight elbows,  No partial Pull-ups/Chin-ups.
  • Shoulders Going Forward. It’s bad posture and bad technique. Lead with your chest up while driving your elbows to the floor.
  • Using The Hips. Keep your legs inline with your torso, unless you’re doing Kipping Pull-ups.
  • Chin Over Bar. Nose or forehead against the bar is a partial Pull-up/Chin-up. Chin over bar unless you’re not strong enough yet.

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