Can Whey Cause Acne?

Posted by JD

“I have used ON 100% Gold Standard Whey and some acne developed on me. During training days I take 5 scoops of it: 1 scoop in the morning, 2 scoops one hour before workout and 2 scoops after workout. During non-training days same number of scoops: 1 scoop per meal.” 

Food Allergies. 

There are many theories on food allergies. Some say they’re caused by excessive hygiene in today’s society. Others say vaccines are to blame. And others say it’s lack of breastfeeding. Whatever. Whey is a dairy product: it’s a byproduct of cheese. Allergic reactions to dairy are common. Lactose intolerance is one example. Acne another.
 Food allergies are a personal thing. What gives you an allergy, might not give me one. 

Quark & Acne. 

I used to eat 1kg quark cheese daily. That’s +80g protein for less than 1€. 250g quark with berries at breakfast, 250g with apples as snack & 500g 2 hours before going to bed (quark digests slowly). I often woke up with a red pimple on my forehead, throat or chest. One day I realized this didn’t happen when my quark intake was low. Stop eating quark for a week while keeping the rest of my diet the same confirmed this. 

How to Avoid Acne from Whey. 

You only need more than 3 scoops daily if you want 3g/kg daily protein. Whole food is better than supplements. Alternate your protein sources: ground round, chicken breast, tuna cans, eggs, etc. Trial & error works best to know what causes the food allegies. Start with 1-2 scoops whey daily for a week. Keep the rest of your diet the same. If you’re ok: try 3 scoops daily. 

Track Food Intake

Keep a journal of what you eat for two weeks. Fitday will help you track your food intake. Track Allergies. Mark the days on a calender where you get & don’t get skin reactions like acne. 

What Your Skin Says About You. 

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Skin problems say a lot about your health, which is influenced by your diet. Besides dairy, eggs, seafood, wheat and many more can cause allergies. Unfortunately food allergies can not always be detected by laboratory tests. The only way to get to know your body is through by removing what triggers reactions. Topic of a future article. 

Stay tuned.


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