How Will Smith Became Successful and How You Could Too

In 1985 Will Smith & Jeffrey Townes formed the group DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh
Prince. 4 years later they won the first ever Grammy award in rap
category. Will Smith, born in 1968, became a millionaire before his 20s.

But he nearly went bankrupt. Will Smith spent a lot on a house, cars
& jewelry. Luckily he met Benny Medina, who had an idea for a
sitcom. Will Smith & Jeffrey Townes became the stars of The Fresh
Prince Of Bell Air from 1990 to 1996.

Will Smith used the success of the show to launch his acting career. Bad
 Boys in 1995. Independence Day in 1996. Men in Black in 1997. Ali in
2001. I, Robot in 2004. And I Am Legend.

According to Forbes, Will Smith is one of Hollywood’s best investment:
for each dollar he gets paid, his movies bring in $10 of gross income.

How Did He Do It? Here’s a video of Will Smith explaining what he thinks
 is the key to life, and I’d say of his own success. Music “For Da Love
of Da Game” by Dj Jazzy Jeff. Watch the video before reading the rest of
 the post.
Will Smith – Running & Reading (The Key to Life)

Reading. You have 2 ways to learn skills: study & practice. It takes
 long to build experience through practice. You might also not know
where to start. Study is faster: read what successful people did & copy them.

    When I started in movies, I said, “I want to be the biggest movie
star in the world.” The biggest movie stars make the biggest movies, so I
 looked at the top 10 movies of all time. At that point, they were all
special-effects movies. So Independence Day, no-brainer. Men in Black,
no-brainer. I, Robot, no-brainer. – Will Smith

Read at least one book per month. That’s 12 books per year. You’ll see
how much smarter you’ll become than the average population. And remember
 knowledge is only power if applied.

Running. Replace running by strength training. You know that voice Will
Smith talks about. It’s the voice in your head that tells you:

    Don’t go to the gym, it’s too cold
    Don’t get out of bed at 4am to workout, it’s too early
    Don’t go for that one more rep to get all 5 reps, it’s too hard

Reader Caim posted:

    There was a time when I did that, i let a voice in my head tell me
what to do (laziness, excuses…). And I realised that did not only happen
 with workouts.

    So as i was analyzing those things in life/workouts i get the
conclusion that easy is almost always the “bad” choice.

    I see a very strong connection between workouts and how you run your
 life. I can tell about someones character by training with him.

Become successful in strength training and you’ll become successful in
business, career, finance, anything. And the other way around. Because
you will have learned that persistence is key to success.

“Learn how to not quit when things get hard in your life”. Strength
training pushes your limits. It teaches you life is hard. Your mind will
 get stronger as your body gets stronger. It takes time, but it will
happen. If not, you’re not ready yet.

The key to life: running strength training & reading.

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