Supplements - should we take them or not?



Supplements are concentrated  vitamins and minerals , usually available in tablet form . Supplements are available today in any pharmacy or health food store. Vitamins are not "magic wands" for good health. Vitamins are necessary substances that contribute to the optimal functioning of the body. The ideal intake of vitamins would be through diet. 

If you take in too many or too few vitamins , it will affect your health, so it is important to be moderate and careful, especially when it comes to supplements . Supplements or vitamins in capsules are very different from those that we consume through food .

One of the important differences is that by taking supplements, we can introduce an excessive dose of vitamins into the body . Supplements are concentrated , so their absorption is easier, than is the case with vitamins that we take in through food. Imagine that you need to eat several kilos of citrus fruits a day or ten large carrots at once. It would be a bit much even for those with a bigger appetite, wouldn't it?

Even if you manage to get so many vitamins into your body from your diet , they will not have harmful consequences for your health like if you drank, for example, too many beta-carotene capsules. With the intake of fruits and vegetables, the harmful consequences of excessive intake of vitamins are minimal or will be completely absent. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements poses a certain risk, since the vitamins are concentrated and taken separately. 

Supplements can be very useful in case of a deficiency of a certain vitamin, where recovery of the organism would require more time and a huge amount of foods that are rich in a certain vitamin. 


What are vitamin supplements used for? 

Doctors often recommend taking vitamin supplements in the following cases: 

  • when there is a health problem associated with a deficiency of a certain vitamin and mineral (iron deficiency, vitamin C deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency),
  • if a person's immunity is weakened, for example after a serious illness, therapy with certain drugs, exhaustion of the body, 
  • for faster recovery from injuries, 
  • when there are dietary restrictions (allergy, intolerance, strict vegan diet), 
  • in case of bad eating habits, 
  • to women in other conditions or breastfeeding women . 

Newer research shows that overuse has harmful effects, while some other research suggests that there is no benefit to using bottled vitamins. The information that the body is unable to recognize synthetic vitamins is being mentioned more and more.

Do not use vitamin and mineral supplements if you feel you are lacking something. Before using supplements, it is always good to do a complete blood count, and only then, depending on the need, use a supplement. 

Supplements - how to take them? 

If you take vitamin supplements, keep in mind that vitamins are divided into two groups: 

  • those that dissolve in water, 
  • those that dissolve in oil (fats). 

You can use vitamin C and B complex vitamins that are soluble in water without fearing that they will cause a great risk to your health . Excess of these vitamins can be excreted through urine.

Fat-soluble vitamins (D, E, K and A) should be taken in consultation with a doctor , since they are stored in the fatty tissue of the body and in the liver for a long time. An excess of these vitamins can have a toxic effect on the body.

If you use mineral supplements, be sure to follow the recommended daily dose. Special caution is advised in the use of iron supplements . Always keep your supplements away from children. Although supplements are food supplements and contain many useful substances , they are not and under no circumstances should they be a substitute for an adequate meal .

Supplements for women are the same as supplements for men, with the indication that women also like to take omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and magnesium, green tea capsules and vitamin C. 

What should you pay attention to when buying supplements? 

When buying supplements, it is important to know the following: 

  • Vitamins, minerals and other supplements are not magic preparations that will ensure your good health. 
  • Optimum health requires proper and varied nutrition, regular physical activity, mental stability, etc. Supplements and minerals alone will not make you healthy and youthful, although this is regularly highlighted in advertising campaigns aimed at selling supplements.
  • When it comes to vitamins and minerals , it doesn't get any better. 
  • Before buying, consult with an expert  about the choice of supplements. 
  • If it is not vitamins B and C, consult your doctor before taking vitamin and mineral supplements. 

An additional advantage is that today in many well-equipped pharmacies you can do a vitamin-mineral test for free. Ask where you can do a vitamin-mineral test in your area and check if you have a vitamin deficiency before you start using the supplement.

Be careful when choosing a supplement manufacturer. Consult with experts about quality. If you are a vegetarian or vegan , check whether the supplements contain carmine (an artificial red color obtained from insects) or gelatin (which is obtained by boiling animal bones). 

Supplements for recreational players

The use of supplements is mostly associated with active athletes and recreational players . Supplements are used to help the body recover for the next training or physical activity. 

  • Whey protein â€“ quickly absorbing protein that is made from milk whey. It is primarily used to recover muscle tissue after training. Whey protein can be found in several forms, and they differ with regard to the method of production, price and the result achieved. This is how we distinguish concentrate (80% whey protein), isolate (80-90% whey protein) and hydrolyzate (90-100% whey protein), which is also the most expensive and is absorbed in just 10 minutes .
  • Casein - a protein that is made from milk, most often drunk with water or milk before going to bed, it is used to relax and recover muscles during sleep. 
  • BCAA (supplements of amino acids) – we are talking about branched essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own, therefore it is necessary to enter them through diet. They are used as pre-workout supplements to prevent catabolism.
  • Glutamine (essential amino acid supplements) – taken as a dietary supplement, improves immunity in case of illness or physical stress. Glutamine prevents loss of muscle mass , increases protein synthesis in the body.
  • Creatine - increases strength, explosiveness and muscle mass, results are visible after 7-10 days .
  • Whey protein

Supplements are only dietary supplements, not a substitute for an adequate and balanced diet. Nutritional supplements are especially necessary for professionals who engage in high-intensity training so that their body can function normally and that the muscles recover more easily and are less damaged  after intense activity 


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