Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

The benefits of resistance training are endless and most people still don’t take advantage of all that strength and muscle building exercises out there, whether it is for weight loss, muscle building or improving health. (1-2)
You may be thinking ‘but why do I want to build muscle if I want to lose weight?’
Well muscle is what gives us that sexy looking great body. It’s just the degree of muscle you have that distinguishes you between that toned look or bodybuilder look.
Following a weight training has two big benefits for your metabolic rate: it speeds it up in the short term, burning a significant amount of calories during the recovery process; and it builds muscle, which speeds up your metabolic rate in the long term.
The degree to which muscle increases your metabolism is argued, but there is research showing lean body mass can increase your metabolism from 5-15%. (5-8)
Bodyweight exercises have benefits that are far beyond just improving your appearance such as helping build and maintain lean muscle though. They also improve cardio vascular health, help control weight thus lowering your risk of metabolic syndrome like diabetes, (3) help improve energy levels, and improve joint and bone health. (5)
This is what makes bodyweight exercises great for newbies who may feel intimidated by using weights to going to the gym. 
But ladies please do not be fearful that lifting weights of any kind will change your body composition in a way that makes you look more masculine and less feminine.
Scared that you’ll “bulk up” if you focus too much on building strength and muscle, instead of burning calories? Don’t be!
The female body will not naturally put on huge amounts of muscle mass without a huge amount of calories, years of training and steroids.
Bodyweight exercises are extremely accessible, convenient and modifiable. You don’t need any equipment or gym membership to do them.
However, obviously they will only take you so far though and eventually you in order to keep making progress you will need to start resistant training. If you need any more advice just google the movements.
Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

So here is a great list of bodyweight exercises – 
Tuck Jump
Standing with your knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible and bring your knees in towards your chest. Land with your knees slightly bent and quickly jump again.
Mountain Climber
Starting on your hands and knees, bring your left foot forward directly under the chest while keeping your right leg straight. Jump switching legs so your left leg is now extended behind your body with the right knee forward.
Air Squat 
Stand with your feet roughly shoulder width apart with your toes pointed slightly outwards. Bend your knees and push your butt and your hips out as if you were sitting into a chair. Keep your weight on your heels, lower as low as possible or until your thighs are below parallel to the ground. Make an effort to keep your knees out and don’t let them fall inwards.Then return to standing position straightening your legs.
Start laying on the floor on your front and complete one push up, then immediately pull your feet in to your body and stand up and jump up as high as possible before moving back to the ground to complete another push up, and repeat.
Lie face down on your forearms and extend your legs behind the body and rise up on the toes. Keeping the back straight, tighten the core and hold the position for 30-60 seconds or as long as you can.
Side Plank
Similar to a front plank, start on your side supporting yourself on your elbow and foot. Lift your hips off the ground to engage your core, and hang tight for 30-60 seconds or as long as you can.
Feet shoulder width apart and step your right leg forward and lower your body until your left knee is close to or touching the floor. Then moving forward bringing your left leg forward, standing up feet together, before following through with a step forwards with your left leg. Repeating the process with your right leg.
Lunge Jump
Stand with your feet together and lunge forward with your right foot. Jump straight up, switching your legs and land in a lunge with the opposite leg forward. Repeat.
Single Leg Deadlift
Start in a standing position with your feet together. Lift your left leg backwards slightly, and lower your arms and torso while raising the left leg behind your body. Keep your right knee slightly bent and reach your arms as close to the floor as possible. Raise the torso while lowering your left leg. Repeat for your right leg.
Step Up 
Find a box or bench that is about knee high and place your right foot on the elevated surface. Step up until your right leg is straight and then return to start.
Hands in a comfortable position under your shoulders laying on your front. Push your self up until your arms are straight and then bend your elbows until the chest reaches the ground, and then push back up.
Tricep Dip
Get seated near a step or bench. Sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent, and grab the edge of a bench and straighten your arms. Bend them to a 90-degree angle, and straighten again.
Close Grip Push-Up
The same as regular push ups but your hands are closer together focusing more on your triceps.
Russian Twist
Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet together, lifted a few inches off the floor. With the back at a 45-degree angle from the ground. Move the arms from one side to another in a twisting motion.
Lie down on the floor on your back placing your feet
shoulder with apart and bend your legs to your knee
forms 90 degree. Cross your arms on your shoulders
and bring your upper body up to meet your knees
creating a V-shape with your thighs. Once you feel the
contraction in your abs, lower your upper body back
down to the ground.
Hip Bridge 
Lie flat on the floor on your back with the hands by your side and your knees bent. Your feet should placed around shoulder width and begin to push through your heels to lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight. Slowly lower your hips back to the starting position on the floor.
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