How to Deal with Annoying People at The Gym

Mr.Barely-got-a-six-pack-in-the-gym-talking-shit-24/7-in-the-face got the nerve to bring me down because I’m not doing certain workouts. I was tight and try to keep my cool the whole time.
He talked down the whole 5 rep thing and the 3 days 5×5. I finally told him I do what I want to do, and you do what make you feel good and back off.
He went off to do Barbell Curls, barely bringing it up. When I was walking out he was doing Squats at 2 plates on. Not even a Half Squat: he went down maybe 2 inches.

People like him keep beginners away from the gym by scaring them away or letting them be in the gym for hours on end for days and getting no results and then quitting.

Commercial Gyms. I don’t have to deal with these kind of situations anymore since I got my home gym 4 years ago. But I got plenty of  “advice” during the 5 years I worked out in a commercial gym.
“Deadlifts will kill your lower back”
“Squatting deep is bad for your knees”
“Bench Press with a thumbless grip to better isolate your muscles”

My Top 5 Ways to Deal with Annoying People at The Gym. You could use these tips in other areas of your life too.
Be Friendly. Keep smiling, no matter what. They stare at you, say hello. They’ll feel uncomfortable. Do not care about their reaction.
They stare again, ask them how they are. They’ll stop staring. Agree. They critique your workouts: ask them why they think you should do what they say. Tell them you’ll try that and thank them for
the tips. You’ll make them feel good important.
Ignore. Continue doing what you do. If they come again with tips, tell them you’re doing your routine now. You don’t want to mix different approaches, you’ll try their tips later.
Set Rules. You like tips, but you don’t like distraction. If they want to discuss training theories, plenty of time when you’re done. Stay friendly, but set your rules from the start. This applies to you too girls.
Put on Music. Get an Mp3 Player. Put it on while working out.
Pretend you don’t hear people when they talk to you.
How Not to Deal With Annoying People at The Gym. Don’t start arguments, don’t try to make a point, don’t get aggressive, etc. You’re losing your time if they’re close-minded. Put time effort in achieving your goals.
I found these retard tips on a major site while writing this article:
Talk to the manager and have him/her handle the problem. This isn’t infant school, solve your problems yourself.
Glare at them and hope they get the message. Aggressiveness leads to more aggressiveness.
Move to a different part of the gym or leave altogether. Right…
Be friendly and helpful, but don’t care about others. Focus on your goals. Believe in what you do. Dare to be different. Your results will show who’s right.
How to Deal with Annoying People at The Gym
How to Deal with Annoying People at The Gym 

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